OAPEN Library
The OAPEN Library contains freely accessible academic books, mainly in the area of humanities and social sciences. OAPEN works with publishers to build a quality controlled collection of open access books, and provides services for publishers, libraries and research funders in the areas of deposit, quality assurance, dissemination, and digital preservation.
OECD iLibrary
It is a database of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which contains statistical information, books and periodicals on key socio-economic topics published by the OECD
Online Books Page
Open access e-books of fiction and scientific literature. Users can search for books applying various criteria.
Open Access Button
You can enter the title, URL, DOI or other information to search for free open access articles. The OA button also offers a plug-in for Chrome and Firefox browsers. Once the plugin is installed in your browser, it will automatically search for an open access article. When an open access article is not found, the OA button allows you to contact the author directly and ask the author to share the article for free.
OpenDissertations (EBSCO Publishing)
An open-access database built to assist researchers in locating both historic and contemporary dissertations and theses. Providing researchers with citations to graduate research across a span of time, from the early 20th century to the present, this database will continue to grow through regular updates and new partnerships with graduate degree-granting institutions.
OpenEdition Books
The Library of humanities and social sciences provides e-books, most of them are open access publications. There can be found e-books on art topics (art, music, architecture, performing arts, cinema).
Oxford Journals Collection
It is a database of full-text journals in the fields of medicine, natural sciences, humanities, social sciences, mathematics, physical sciences and law. List of subscribed journals.